Range resize excel vba
Range resize excel vba

range resize excel vba

range resize excel vba

I have let say nine *.xls files and I want to move one column from each *.xls file to a different file (we call it “joined_tst.xls”). If I only replace the *.xls with *.xlsx the saved files are corrupt and empty! I can handle that even if it is *.xls files, but the more important which I hope you could guide me on following: But the VBA-code save the files as *.xls files and I would want to save it as *.xlsx files since I’m running on Excel2016.

#Range resize excel vba code

Hi Admin, I’m kind of new to VBA programming and with some google help I have reached to the code below. Would you be able to help me fix the code so that in the each click populates only one entry of “Yes” or only one entry of “No”? Thank you for your time. Once click and all field are populated with “No”. I also have a no button… it’s doing the same thing. However, what my code is doing is one click and every cell is populated with Yes. I have a form where i would like the user to click the button and each click populates the value “Yes” every time the button is clicked. ‘ Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached. Range(rngMyRange).Value = Selection.Value + 1 Set x = Application.InputBox(prompt:=”Please click on the spot to start counting from “, Type:=8) Test if the sum of the cells with values 2 => X and if so return a message “yes you reached your goal”, if not continue checking until a total of 95 cells to the right from the starting cell have been checked. Cell value will be either zero or 2 both a result of a formula in the cell. I need to find the first cell value with value 2 then sum cells to the right until cell 2. Looking to code a search of a row of cells that will sum the values of the cells containing the value 2. Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).SelectĪctiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Application.UserName I use A1 as my reference point from worksheet B. Somewhere in my code it does not continue the offset, everytime i remove it replaces the current line. I am removing rows from worksheet A to worksheet B to be archived.

range resize excel vba

You would probably want to format the salary for currency, but this is the general idea. MsgBox(strFirstName & " " & strLastName & ": Your new salary is " & dblSalary) StrLastName = ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).ValueĪctiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value = dblSalary * 1.05 'give a 5% raise It is easier to program and way faster to execute. You can loop through a list much more efficiently with Offset. If you are in cell G254, the code ActiveCell.Offset(-3,-2).Select will select E251 (3 rows up and 2 columns left). If you want to offset to a column to the left of you or a row above you, use a negative number. This is far more efficient than selecting the cell two columns to the right, processing your data, then remembering to select two columns to the left and continue. If you are in cell D254, the code above will reference the cell F254 and read its value into the variable strMyValue. So if you want to stay in the current cell and read a value two columns to the right, you could use syntax like the following: strMyValue = ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value The “Range(“A1″)” clause is not necessary.

range resize excel vba

Translated into English, it takes the current cell (ActiveCell) and selects the row that is one row down from the current row and in the same column. Offset clause when you record a macro using relative references: ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select There are times when you are processing a list when you might want to look at the values in the same row, but a couple of columns over. If you are watching the sheet, the values simply appear. This is way faster than selecting the cell, changing the value, selecting the next cell, etc. Whatever cell you were in when you entered the loop is where you are when you leave the loop. Cells works best with calculated cells, especially when you couple it with a loop: For i = 1 to 10Ĭells(i, 1).value = i ' fill A1 through A10 with the value of i To select a cell in Excel, you have two basic methods: RANGE and CELLS: Range ("A1").Select Range("RangeName").Select Cells(3, 4).Select 'Selects Row 3, Column 4, i.e.

Range resize excel vba